Channel: Tiktus color Art
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: fluid art techniquemodern artpainting videoshow tofluid paintingfluid art painting techniquesacryl gießenacrylic painting for beginnersacrylic pouringpainting ideasfluid art with acrylic paint and waterabstract artabstract paintingfluid art tutorialfluid painting tutorialacrylic pour paintingsatisfyingflow artpainting for beginnerssatisfying videofluid artpainting tutorialtiktus color artpouring paintart therapy
Description: Today I show you a new painting technique - with a deep color injection. The acrylic paints were diluted only with water. You can do this too! Fluid Art Painting is very satisfying and relaxing, if you also want to try it, then you will find matching this video here a video where I show step by step how I dilute my acrylic paints with water only: In this video I painted two pictures, using the same acrylic paints. In the first picture, I put white paint in the painting cup as the bottom layer, and black paint on top. In the second picture I have reversed the colors, now the black color is below and the white above. The result is very different pictures with fascinating color gradients that would be impossible to paint without this technique. For the color injection I got myself empty syringes. They clean up well and can be reused for many beautiful works of art. If you liked the painting technique, then I'm happy as always about a thumbs up or a nice comment. And here you can subscribe to my channel, Creative greetings Tiktus #acrylicpourpainting #acrylicpouring #fluidart You can also buy many of my artworks, you can find my Etsy store here*: * = As an Etsy affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases: Links marked with * in my video description are afilliate links. Through some sponsored links I get a small commission when you purchase a product. The purchase price for you does not change as a result! Thank you for your support. Tiktus